Thursday, April 21, 2011

Starry, Starry Playground

I don’t have internet at home anymore and get so much work done because of that. To the digital world it must seem that I tend to vanish because I don‘t go to the library and log on. I am sorry --- but not really. When I fell in love with Diva I made myself a promise: I will never be so busy that I can’t put down everything to go for an impromptu walk to chase crows, cuddle a frightened teddy bear or sing loud and out of tune if that is what Diva needs. And if it means that I either vanish for two weeks with her or tell her, “no, I’m busy, kitten” -- well, the choice is easy.

We all want to get things done in our lives. We are in a mad rush to finish something -- make our mark so we can be proud of what we have done with our lives and the short time allotted to us. For me that something is the book -- which I am now calling “Starry, Starry Playground”. I want to always remember what I am celebrating with my little craft project: the miraculous mind of artists, dreamers and the very, very sensitive. THAT is the starry, starry playground that fascinates me. I am struggling to put it into words and paintings like a chimpanzee having just learned sign language and excited with the new found joy of words. My monkey talents may not be up to the struggle but the mess I am making gives me such joy -- and that is enough. Yet I’ll drop that Everest climb of mine whenever Diva needs me. And right now she is on her own Everest -- trying to get her degree in college and needs someone to cuddle with, complain to -- and feed her kindness and homemade pizza.

I will admit that I do feel guilty since I end up having the time of my life whenever she kidnaps me. In the end it is the little things in life that are the big things. The book and I are so much richer for the time I spend with her.


  1. This makes me smile Vincent! Always drop things for that special someone! It's the simple things in life that make the greatest impact! Think of it as fuel to accomplish the highest of ambitions! I wish I were more like you and Diva! You both get life in a really big way! I love you both! I patiently await your book! It will come soon enough!

  2. Nice Bunny slippers Diva...Don't forget Earth Day is tomorrow! Make sure you frolic in nature! Watch life gently unfold as the sun sends us Vitamin D! It will make you happy! Take some of the pets :)!

  3. Hey Vincent. I'm excited about your book. I know you have a gift with words and other arts as well, so I can't wait to see what you and Diva come up with.

  4. Tom and Tami, thank you.

    Tami -- frolic we did!! We actually want to take some of the plush toys we are using to the park to take pictures as reference for the book. We have had SNOW!! It is spring and we have SNOW!

    Tom -- I'm been working on the final sketches for the paintings and it has been going well (more on that on my current post.) I'm putting you in the book, if you don't mind. You are a hedgehog who loves art and wears a pink tutu and sometimes a bowler hat!!
